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I eventually had part time carers for Mama, but I still wanted to make sure she was safe.
So, I had several trackers to make sure she got home okay, or so I wouldn’t panic if she didn’t arrive at a certain time. This was before I put other cameras in place or made she wasn't alone.

As mentioned, Mama didn’t know she had dementia, so I put a lot of improvements in place without making her think it was because she was getting old (as she would say) or making her feel offended that I thought something was wrong with her. That’s where these came in. When a smartphone wouldn’t do (Mama would flat-out refuse to carry a smartphone, saying it was too heavy), I opted for the devices below.

If your loved one is used to carrying a smartphone, then you are sorted. However the time may come when they don't take their phone or keys or handbags.

Find what is routine for your PWD. For my Ma, she would always carry the same purse and I found ways to hide these trackers in her bag.

The Apple Airtags. These small devices are ideal for putting on a key or hiding in a handbag/pocket. They come in many different sizes and are ideal for long distance tracking. Only for iPhones of course.


No need to install any app; simply press on the related color-coded buttons. This is great for keys and handbags - has to be within a certain distance though. I eventually stuck one on a cordless phone as that would go missing... that was before I opted for the Alexa Echo and the different handset.


Tile Mate
These are pretty good too. Comes in a flat wallet size style (like a credit card) and you can place in purse or wallet. This was great when her handbag went "missing". You need to be close though - and by that I mean within a certain distance. So I had one of my friends download the app so she could help. It wasn't ideal and didn't always work - but this was not due to the item itself - it was just not for caring from afar.


Samsung Galaxy SmartTag2 Bluetooth Tracker- trying this one just to see if it will track my suitcase. Will post once tried.


If I had to do it again (Ma is never out by herself and I have the cameras if she should try leave house), I would get an smartwatch and hide it in her bag. The best kind of tracker is the app on the phone. A lot of other trackers have a monthly fee and that can get pricey. And won't be much help if your loved one takes it out of their bag/wallet/keys.

Have you used any of these? What did you think? Are there others you think work better? Add in the comments below

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