Purpose of the Site
This forum is a safe space for people to share experiences and support each other in managing the challenges of caring for loved ones with dementia from a distance. We're not here to judge or get cheeky with others.
We are here to help each other.
Whilst moderators oversee the forum, we do not pre-check all posts and cannot guarantee the accuracy, integrity, or quality of content. Please consult a doctor or relevant professional before making decisions that could affect you or others.
As mentioned under our Terms of Service, please do not name any medical health or care providers. Any legal services and/or their individual staff is prohibited. These will be removed.
User Conduct Expectations
Use of this forum is at your own risk.
Content is the sole responsibility of the poster.
Users under 18 must get permission from a parent or guardian.
By using the site, you agree to these terms. If you don’t agree, you may be prohibited from using it.
Post Guidelines
No offensive, defamatory, or unlawful content. You'll be banned!
No personal contact details (e.g., email, phone numbers) in posts.
Personal endorsements may be allowed; no unsolicited commercial ads.
No ads for items, whether for sale or donation.
Avoid repeated or "bumped" posts.
Posts must be in English please and respect copyright, privacy, and intellectual property rights.
Do not provide medical, legal, or financial advice, and avoid discouraging others from seeking professional help.
Claims about alternative therapies are not permitted.
Religious beliefs can be shared respectfully but must not attack others.
No posting of photos.
Private messages may be viewed if needed to address issues.
Posting a new topic:
You have to be a member and log into the Forum to do either of these things.
Either click ‘Create New Post” OR Log in at the top right.
You may then go to any of the Categories to post or respond to other views.
There are a couple of Categories listed that you can access from here:
Welcome to the Forum - this takes you to: Forum Rules (you are here!).
Dementia Caring from Afar: Let's share how we have managed to take care of our PWD remotely and from afar.
Carehome – All things related: Caring never stops when your loved one is in a carehome. In fact, sometimes it can be a huge adjustment. Click here for Carehomes and caring from afar.
Help for Caregivers: Share where you may have received help. However please do not mention names, or provide medical/legal or financial advice. There are other sites for that - not here.
We reserve the right to edit, remove, or close any post or account without prior notice. By using this site, you consent to the collection and use of your personal data for forum operations.